Christine Norman Memorial Fund

What could we really say about Christine that everybody doesn't already know? We could all agree that she was the most thoughtful person, the most generous person, and most of all the kindest soul we have ever been able to know. I can still remember the first time I talked with her when she offered to take on an older pit bull from Ontario that no one else was willing to help. She didn't even blink an eye at saying yes. Christine grew to be someone that I wasn't just working with in rescue, but someone I was lucky enough to call a friend. There were many conversations we would have and I always left feeling like we were kindred spirits. I will always miss her sense of humour, her thoughtfulness, her amazing artistry, and best of all her beautiful soul. Underdogs will never be the same without her, but will forever be better for having been with her. A quote that will always make me think of her is, "friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another; what! You too? I thought I was the only one. C.S Lewis. - Jade
Love, and light. Whenever I was around Christine I felt this. The first time I met her she had made us necklaces to celebrate our love of dogs. That was just Christine, generous and kind. She was totally devoted to helping people and dogs and never shied away from a challenge. She was the first to volunteer to stand in a booth all day wearing her newly altered Underdogs Tshirt and a gentle smile. The last time I spent with her we laughed and nibbled on the delicious pumpkin spice muffins she brought....homemade. Our day was full of honest candid conversation and laughter. Looking back I wish I would have hugged her one last time at that event. Her creativity, spirit and fierce dedication to everything she loved will always be remembered and cherished. For every challenge I will miss her, and for every victory I will celebrate with her, and everyday in between her light will always be remembered. - Natasha